To ensure you have a great start with ivCAMPUS and everything works well, please take a few minutes and adjust your settings.

<aside> 📢 There are 3 levels of settings you need to take care of.



Level 1:

Browser needs access to camera/mic/notifications.

Test it on:


Level 2:

Browser needs to allow access to camera/mic/notification.


Level 3:

Check Device settings in ivCAMPUS.

Only when ivCAMPUS has the required rights in your browser and operating system everything will work smoothly.

<aside> 💡 Please check you camera and microphone settings, so that your colleagues can see and hear you.


Camera Settings

Microphone Settings

With the correct settings enabled you will always be notified if a colleague knocks on your door or sends you a message. On the following page, we will show you what settings to adjust for this to work.

Display notifications in front

Please check your Mac / windows settings to ensure the browser you are using is allowed to display notifications in the front.

Don’t miss important hints - Notification settings